Sunday, April 14, 2013

Week Five

Observations: This week I got to see more science in the classroom than before. It's exciting to see how much the kids enjoy learning about science especially since it was my favorite subject in elementary school. Mr. A makes it engaging and every kid gets to do something. When they get into groups to do experiments I have noticed which kids are the leaders and have the strongest personalities. These kids take charge and lead the experiment which is helpful for the more timid and less enthused students. They are good role models.

Learning Experiences: This week I was able to go into the science lab with the kids. Oak Pointe did a great thing by including a bright science lab for the kids. I was able to see what kind of experiments Mr. A can do to teach the kids since the space and equipment is available. He had one where the kids used cinnamon in water to model wind and currents in the ocean. It was great because all kids had an opportunity to participate in the lab. Afterwards Mr. A did an experiment while all the kids watched. He had them draw what they saw so the explanation was reinforced.

Reflections: I really like teaching the kids, especially when they all come on the floor and sit close while I explain their homework. This creates a more approachable environment compared to when I explain things up at the board. I have loved by experiences so far but if there was one thing I could add it would be having one on one time with the kids like other cadets say they have. I can not complain though, it is their high academic level as well as their maturity which does not require individual attention.

Stories: I don't really have any stories to tell this time but I am still having a blast and experiencing tons each and every field experience visit!

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