Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Blog 10

Blog 10
Learning Experiences: We have started preparing for field experience! We finished presenting all of our lessons and the time to leave is drawing near. It has been really great to finally see all the model lessons. By generally recapping the positive and negatives it provided us with an idea of how to improve once we enter the classroom.

Current Events: The article I read discussed alternative ways to asses a student's comprehension of a book than the mundane book report. The suggestions were all intended to strike creativity such as write a diary entry of one of the characters. The ten alternative methods made reading more exiting and interesting and tested their knowledge at a higher level.

Quote of the Week: "There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning." I like this quote because it describes school as just the beginning of an entire life of learning and without it life would be quite dull.

Observations: Getting to watch one another present was helpful so that once it is our time to teach a lesson to our own class we are already aware of what works best and what we should avoid. Field experience was awesome! Getting to see different schools, grades, and teachers first-hand was the best way for me to figure where I wanted to do my field experience  The fourth grade class at Oak Point is what sold me on either 4th or 5th grade. The students were old enough to carry a conversation with you while not getting too distracted. Oak Pointe was just as fabulous as the kids that go there and hopefully I will get that same awesome experience when we go out into the field!

Reflection: If it were not for the field experience that we have coming up I would be absolutely ready to graduate now! I am too excited for College now as well as everything I have planned for the summer it is making it difficult to keep focused on the rest of the school year. Hopefully having field experience to change things up a bit will make the rest of the year more bearable. I can't wait to find out my placement!

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