Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Blog 9
Read Alouds: Teaching Hope-Stories from the Freedom Writer Teacher. This portion of the book that we were able to listen to gave a lot of insight to us students. Not having any field experience yet made this a perfect book to learn from since teachers with all sorts of backgrounds were giving their own insight. It would be good for new teachers to hear how other new teachers dealt with problem situations that provide inspiration and ideas when things are not going as planned. I also thought it was soo awesome that Mrs. Jackson had her writing published in the book. I think its a valuable book to any teachers or aspiring teachers because you feel like you can relate to the Freedom Writer Teachers through their writing.
Learning Experiences:  As we near the classroom period of the class we have been preparing for field work in class. We have been reviewing teaching skills and methods and how to make learning more engaging for the students. Most recently we have been preparing our lessons which requires us to apply all of our knowledge about teaching to this one lesson we will present to the class. It has been beneficial to be present for the lessons. By watching it helps to see what works, what is interesting, and what engages the students the most.
Current Event: In a middle school there has been recent concern with the lacking civic and government classes for kids of this age. The concern is that students will not have had enough classes about the government and will not be as knowledgeable of the system. They feel that the one required class in high school is not enough to prepare them to understand the real world problems in government today. Nothing has yet to be done about this concern but they hope to encourage an increase in civic courses. http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/curriculum/2012/10/civic_education_assessments_fo.html
Quote of the Week:
"Every child should have a caring adult in their lives. And that's not always the biological parent or family member. It may be a friend of a neighbor. Often times a teacher." I really like this quote because the power of a teacher is incredible especially for a student who feels neglected at home. I have seen the impact a compassionate teacher has on a student how how much the student begins to feel empowered just because someone has taken the time to be there for them.
Observations: Through our presentations I have taken note of what teaching styles are most effective and what students respond to the most. After noticing this in TC class I have noticed that I began to pick up on this in my other classes. I notice what things the teacher does that excites or interests the students as well as what bores them. I have been applying what I have learned about teaching styles in the classroom because I often find myself saying what makes this activity so interesting or boring.
Reflection: I am getting excited for the field experience that is coming up. I am already starting to think about what grade and school I want to be at. I am looking forward to the field trip Monday because it'll make field experience seem that much closer. Being in a classroom will be an awesome new experience to help with the monotonous feeling school has started to get.

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