Sunday, March 17, 2013

Week Three

Week Three
Observations: What I have noticed about this class is that every body gets along so well. I was expecting in an elementary school class that there would be frequent arguments and bickering but I have yet to see that. It must be a combination of the level of children and the discipline stype that Mr. A and the school inforce. The students are respectuful of one another as well as their authroty. I also think that Oak Pointe Elementary has made an effort to create a sense of cummunity so that all kids treat eachother fairly. I tis amazing to see how well everything flows at this school.
Learning Expereinces: When Mr. A teaches and explains things its more like he is letting the students share what they know to help clarify for others. The kids will go up to the board to work the warm up math questions or when Mr. A goes up to expalin a problem he really lets the kids tell him step by step what to do to keep them involved. I have learned that these techniques keep the kids engaged and excited for math. Whenever I go up to the board I now know to use the same technique because that is what works best. Afterall Mr. A is the "Math Daddy".
Reflections: School has been so different now that I am not able to see my fellow teacher cadets everyday. It is bitter sweet becuase I do not get to see them but the sweet part is being able to be in an elementary class every other day. School is starting to feel almost over with the preparation for AP exams, recieving our graduation supplies, and the upcoming spring break!
Stories:  This past Thrusday was Pi day in Mr. A's class! He gave me an awesome Pi Day shirt to wear so that I would be matching the entire class as well as him. He incorportated pie into his lesson and tought the kids about finding the circumfrance, radius and, diameter and afterwards they got to have a slice. I read "Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi"to the kids. It was a fun way to to fimiliarize the kids with the terminology.

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