Sunday, November 11, 2012

Blog Six
Read-alouds: With the holidays and our busy classes we only had a chance to read two read alouds. The first one was "Big Book of Families" by Catherine and Laurence Anholt 978-0763603236. It would be a really good book to introduce kids to the idea of a family tree. They could make their own family tree in class and share it with the other students. Also it would be great to teach kids about cultural diversity and how there are so many different families with different values. This would be really helpful because there are students with different cultural backgrounds throughout all classrooms, and it would help them understand where they all come from. They next book was "The Halloween Class" by Peter Maloney 10: 0439395194 was a seasonal appropriate book and was fun to listen to since Halloween was just around the corner. It is a great book for kids who are just beginning chapter books. It still is engaging like a picture book but it prepares the kids for more challenging books to come. It introduces them to the concept of breaking up a book into chapters, and they could even write their own story with chapters to enforce concept division in books.
"The Perks of Being a Wall Flower" by Stephen Chbosky  9781419387241was a book that modeled student teacher relationships in a positive way and kids could respond to this book by writing a letter of appreciation to one of their teacher. "Just be Nice to your Little Friends" by Caroline Kenneth 0307101002 was a book that could support a lot of creative writing ideas such as having kids rewrite the story in the perceptive of the bees and butterflies and show how they felt. We also read "13 Reasons Why" by Jay Summary 1595141880 would be a great book to teach in freshman success classes about the harms that come from bullying. Teachers could get kids to understand the consequences and also have the bullied kids open up about their struggles.
Learning Experiences: It was really great to be able to reach eachother's barrier books. It really helped me understand some of the barriers better, therefore it would have been nice to read the books before the test. None the less I was able to comprehend and better understand some barriers to learning that I had never thought were a big issue in the first place. Also one day in class Mrs. Dowd from Newberry College came to speak with our class and she had a lot of helpful information that she presented to us. She offered some advice that would be helpful even if we don't end up choosing to attend Newberry. I was nervous about entering college not knowing exactly what I wanted to do, but she explained how there are a large number of students that switch majors at least 3 times which made me feel a lot more reassured. I also liked listening to each groups presentations. They were very informative and fun. I feel like the way they were presented has helped me better understand the material.
Current Event: The article I read mostly talked about the similarities between Obama's and Romney's plans for education. The part I was most interested in was their approaches to evaluating teachers and ensuring that capable educators are entering our schools. They both want to make it more challenging for educators to enter schools because they want the quality of teachers to expand. I agree with their goals because sure anyone can set out and earn a teaching degree and teach a class but only a small group of those with teaching degrees actuallly know how to teach and engage their students.;postID=8814276956254565966
Quote of the Week:  "Experience is the teacher of all things" I really like this quote because it is a useful motto for the classroom. After the teacher has provided the students with the information it should be common practice for the class to engage in a hands on activity to reinforce the information they just learned because nothing helps me learn more than a hands on approach to learning.
Observations: I've been noticing lately that one of my teachers tends to be putting kids down unintentionally when asked a question. This teacher will often react to the question and the student asking it like they are thinking are you seriously asking this, you should know this what a dumb question. Clearly this is not a good model of a helpful and understanding teacher. This type of reaction shuts down students and discourages them from learning because they are no longer comfortable asking questions about things they don't understand. I am glad that most teachers are not like this because this is one trait that immediately hinders a student's ability to learn.
Reflections: These past few days I have applied to what I believe is my last college! I still have  a few more additional tasks to complete for two of my schools like finalizing my honors college essay for CofC, I can't wait until everything has been sent in and I will just be waiting for those acceptance letters! I',m extremely ready for college, over the weekend I went to CofC's open house and it made me even more excited to graduate. I am so glad we are about to go on Thanksgiving break because school has gotten stressful. Hopefully the few days we have off will be enough to recover.

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