Monday, October 1, 2012

Busy Busy Busy!

Read-alouds: "The Dot" by Peter Reynolds  978-0-7636-1961-9 was a really enjoyable book and i really lied the illustrations. Its a good book to read to kids in middle school because they are preparing for high school and this books demonstrates that even if you don't feel like you are capable of something, everyone else see potential in you. You could have kids paint a dot however they like and then write their goals for the near future on it. The next book was "A visitor for Bear" by Bonny Becker 9780763628079  and it was a book about unexpected friendships. You could have students reach out to their fellow classmates by writing a note, drawing a picture, and giving them a small gift to let them know that they care just like the mouse did to bear. "The Jester Lost his Jingle" by David Saltzman 9780964456303 I found was a mediocre book. The illustrations were nice but I could not really see the full purpose of the story. It could be used in an art class to stress the importance of color and how the illustrator did a great job with it. Also students could write letters of appreciation to those who they feel like have given them a lot of hope and encouragement just like the jester did to strangers. "The Spider and the Fly" by Tony Diterlizzi 9780241024713 was a dark story that was not very clear and a little hard to get the message. But if read to the appropriate age group, several lessons about self assurance and sticking up for yourself could be taught. It is a good book to read around Halloween time, especially when the kids are going to strangers doors they should be aware that they are still talking to strangers and should be cautious. "What teachers Can't Do" by Douglas Wood 9780689846441was a very cute book that illustrated to kids a small part of the lives of teachers. It would be perfect to read during teacher appreciation week and the kids could get involved by writing their own versions of what students can't do!
Learning Experiences:  In class we discussed about different ways of learning such as visual, kinesthetic, and auditory. We even got to make our own lessons to apply these different types of learning to make the highest level of learning possible. I really liked seeing what other students did as their lesson, they had really good ideas. I especially liked Alexis' fraction lesson with the skittles.
Current Events: The article I read discusses "deeper learning" and how to achieve it. Researchers came up with domains competence intrapersonal, interpersonal, and cognitive. This type of learning is said to be brought about by challenge and question and discussion sessions. Educators are trying to get their state governments on board so that this type of learning can really be supported throughout the school systems. They also argue that curriculum should go deeper into application of skills and cover less topics so that more in depth learning can be achieved. I agree with this article and I feel like students would become much more knowledgeable if they were given fewer topics to cover and instead go into great depths in the selected ones.
 Quote of the Week: "The one exclusive sign of thorough knowledge is the power of teaching." I like this quote a lot because I find it very true. It is obvious that teachers who are really passionate about the subject they teach really know a lot about it, therefore are able to truly teach a student better than any other person with less extensive knowledge. This also applies to students because I know explaining things to someone helps me reinforce the concept and better understand it myself.
Observations: I have been noticing that a lot of fellow seniors are getting stressed out and becoming less motivated because of "senioritis" But one teacher in particular took the time out of class to talk to us and ask us what is going on that is stressing us out so much. This teacher really cares about the students and I can tell that it has made a big difference because most of them are motivated again, including me and ready to conquer the rest of the year!
Reflections: This past week has been extremely stressful but I have stuck to it! I have had a ton of school work but I have managed to stay on top of it. Taking breaks from it helped a lot like going to soccer practice, hanging out with friends and talking to each other about what is going on. I am ready for the long weekend, I hope to get a few more college applications sent it!

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