Sunday, May 12, 2013

Final Blog

Observations: I was really able to see how the kids behave when Mr. A had to leave for a meeting while the sub and I were left to keep the kids on task. They really are well behaved kids even without their usual authority. We had no problem keeping them on task and restraining the talking to a minimum. The true test was to see how they behaved when we went to play their math games with the first graders.They did not disappoint. Each group helped the first graders play the games just like they did when Mr. A was there. It was great being able to see how the 5th graders mentor the first graders while both age groups have fun.

Learning Experience: The biggest learning experience I encountered during my last week was taking control of the class when Mr. A was at a meeting at the district office. It was a lot of fun! Mr. A always gave me plenty of time each day I came to teach the class but it felt like I was in even more control once it was just me and the sub. I worked a few examples on the board for them then had them complete a page in their math workbook. Before we new it we were on our way to see the first graders and I was able to get great pictures of them playing the games together. Just by being in an elementary school for a few months I have encountered so many different learning scenarios that could only be experienced in the field. From going to the science lab, having a special needs child in my class, days with subs and of course Mr. A's incredible teaching style.

Reflections: I would not have wanted to do my field experience at any other school or with any other teacher. Oak Pointe was such a beautiful and welcoming school with so many opportunities for the students who go their. the administration does so much to get the students involved and recognize each and every one of them! I was simply amazed. I thought it was awesome how they had Friday assemblies to celebrate the students. They also do a positive behavior reinforcement program similar to or classy cash but htey call it Barrel Bucks. The way they make the students feel good about themselves must pay off because from seeing how well my class behaved it must be making an impact. Now on to Mr. A. I would have wanted any other CT. I liked the fact that he was a male teacher and it allowed me to see how they handle a classroom different than females and I loved it! He was much more relaxed them most elementary teachers but he still had complete control over the class. Being able to balance authority over the kids while making them really enjoy you as a teacher are tricky to juggle I would assume but Mr. A does it flawlessly.

Stories: Saying goodbye to the kids was so hard. As I left the room I told them that today was my last day and it caused and uproar. But as soon as I told them I would be coming back in a few weeks for an entire day they were ecstatic. I can not wait to spend and entire day with them and it will be difficult to say the final goodbye.